Active Component

Protective Mechanisms and Prevention of Violence and Aggression in Veterans

Although a subset of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans show aggression toward others after they return home from military service, little is known about protective mechanisms that could be bolstered to prevent violence.

Elbogen, E. B.
Johnson, S.C.
Newton, V. M.
Timko, C.
Vasterling, J. J.
Van Male, L. M.
Wagner, H. R.
Beckham, J. C.

Preparing for Deployment: Examining Family-and Individual-Level Factors

The relationship between individual- and family-level characteristics and engagement in predeployment preparation activities was examined. Military families indicated higher engagement in financial and legal deployment preparation, particularly among Active Duty personnel.

Troxel, W. M.
Trail, T. E.
Jaycox, L. H.
Chandra, A.