Active Component

Identifying High-Needs Families in the U.S. Air Force New Parent Support Program

The U.S. Air Force (USAF) New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a voluntary family maltreatment prevention program for expectant parents and parents of young children. NPSP mothers are classified as “low needs” (LN) or “high needs” (HN) based on their Family

Travis, W. J.
Walker, M. H.
Besetsny, L. K.
McCarthy, R. J.
Coley, S. L.
Rabenhorst, M. M.
Milner, J. S.

Identifying High-Needs Families in the U.S. Air Force New Parent Support Program

The risk for child maltreatment may be higher among families who experience high levels of stress. To better understand this risk in U.S. Air Force (USAF) families, the degree to which new or expectant mothers' level of needs predicted future child maltreatment were explored.

Travis, W. J.
Walker, M. H.
Besetsny, L. K.
McCarthy, R. J.
Coley, S. L.
Rabenhorst, M. M.
Milner, J. S.

Variables Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in a Deploying Military Sample.

Variables associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) were examined within a sample of military personnel preparing to deploy.Soldiers with intimate relationships processed for mobilization through Fort Bliss, Texas, completed a questionnaire that queried demographic information, relationship

Fonseca, C. A.
Schmaling, K. B.
Stoever, C.
Gutierrez, C.
Blume, A. W.
Russell, M. L.