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Sleep Patterns Before, During, and After Deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan

Study Objectives: To determine the associations between deployment in support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and sleep quantity and quality. Design: Longitudinal cohort study Setting: The Millennium Cohort Study survey is administered via a secure website or US mail.

Seelig, A. D.
Jacobsen, I. G.
Smith, B.
Hooper, T. I.
Boyko, E. J.
Gackstetter, G. D.
Gehrman, O.
Macera, C. A.
Smith, T. C.

Sleep Patterns Before, During, and After Deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan

As part of the Millennium Cohort Study, 41,225 Service members who deployed in support of OEF/OIF completed baseline and follow-up questionnaires to determine the associations between deployment and sleep quantity and quality.

Seelig, A. D.
Jacobsen, I. G.
Smith, B.
Hooper, T. I.
Boyko, E. J.
Gackstetter, G. D.
Gehrman, O.
Macera, C. A.
Smith, T. C.