Reserve Component

Combat-Injured Service Members and Their Families: The Relationship of Child Distress and Spouse-Perceived Family Distress and Disruption

Combat-related injuries can have a significant impact, not only on Service members, but also on their families and children. The relationships between family pre-deployment distress, child post-injury distress, Service member injury severity, and family post-injury disruption were examined.

Cozza, S. J.
Guimond, J. M.
McKibben, J. B. A.
Chun, R. S.
Arata-Maiers, T. L.
Schneider, B.
Maiers, A.
Fullerton, C. S.
Ursano, R. J.

Children of Deployed National Guard Troops: Perceptions of Parental Deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom

Children of deployed Service members may face many difficulties and concerns, but little research addresses child deployment perspectives. Children of newly-deployed National Guard Soldiers were interviewed about their perspectives on deployment and frequencies of responses were calculated.

Houston, J. B.
Pfefferbaum, B.
Sherman, M. D.
Melson, A. G.
Jeon-Slaughter, H.
Brand, M. W.
Jarman, Y.