Reserve Component

Military Deployment and the Spouse Left Behind

The relationship with a spouse is an important part of Service members' operation readiness and influences recovery from injuries or post-traumatic stress symptoms upon return from deployment.

Asbury, E. T.
Martin, D.

Initial Validation of Brief Measures of Suicide Risk Factors: Common Data Elements Used by the Military Suicide Research Consortium

The Military Suicide Research Consortium (MSRC) developed a 57-item questionnaire assessing suicide risk factors, referred to as the Common Data Elements (CDEs), in order to facilitate data sharing and improve collaboration across independent studies.

Ringer, F. B.
Soberay, K. A.
Rogers, M. L.
Hagan, C. R.
Chu, C.
Schneider, M.
Podlogar, M. C.
Witte, T.
Holm-Denoma, J.
Plant, E. A.
Gutierrez, P. M.
Joiner, T. E.