
Psychological Effects of Deployments on Military Families

Military spouses of a single Army Brigade Combat Team (BCT) who were enrolled in a family readiness group completed an online survey as their Service member (partner) prepared for deployment.

Warner, C. H.
Appenzeller, G. N.
Warner, C. M.
Grieger, T.

Prospective Evaluation of Mental Health and Deployment Experience Among Women in the U.S. Military

Previous research has shown that military women often experience potentially severe health outcomes following deployment. Data from the Millennium Cohort Study, a 21-year longitudinal study examining the health effects of military service, were used to examine this issue.

Seelig, A. D.
Jacobson, I. G.
Smith, B.
Hooper, T. I.
Gackstetter, G. D.
Ryan, M. A.
Wells, T. S.
Wadsworth, S. M.
Smith, T. C.
Millennium Cohort Study Team