
Barriers to Mental Health Treatment for Military Wives

Objective: An Internet-based survey sought information about barriers to mental health services for military wives. Methods: On the basis of qualitative work, an Internetbased program was created to identify military wives who may have major depressive disorder.

Lewy, C. S.
Oliver, C. M.
McFarland, B. H.

Barriers to Mental Health Treatment for Military Wives

Military wives face numerous stressors (e.g., frequent moves, spouse’s deployment) that may impact their mental health and also face several barriers to treatment. A sample of military wives was surveyed in order to describe their mental health needs and treatment barriers.

Lewy, C. S.
Oliver, C. M.
McFarland, B. H.

Baby Boot Camp: Facilitating Maternal Role Adaptation Among Military Wives

Background: Current research suggests that women married to military service members may experience difficulty during the transition to motherhood attributable to the additional stressors of military life and inability to access traditional support systems. Objective: To test the effects of a nu

Schachman, K. A.
Lee, R. K.
Lederman, R. P.

Attitudes of Military Personnel Toward Homosexuals

The purpose of this study was to assess attitudes of enlisted military personnel with regard to homosexuality. Seventy-two male members of the Marine Corps Reserve responded to a questionnaire exploring attitudes toward lesbians and gay men and attitudes toward homosexuals in the military.

Estrada, A. X.
Weiss, D. J.

Attitudes of Military Personnel Toward Homosexuals

Seventy-two male Reservist Marines were surveyed to examine Marine attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. The role of various demographic variables in predicting attitudes toward homosexual was examined.

Estrada, A. X.
Weiss, D. J.