
Intimate Partner Communication From the War Zone: A Prospective Study of Relationship Functioning, Communication Frequency, and Combat Effectiveness

This study examined (a) the association between relationship functioning prior to and during deployment, and the frequency of communication during deployment; and (b) the association between relationship functioning and depression during deployment and their influence on Service members’ ratings

Cigrang, J. A.
Wayne Talcott, G.
Tatum, J.
Baker, M.
Cassidy, D.
Sonnek, S.
Snyder, D. K.
Balderrama-Durbin, C.
Heyman, R. E.
Smith Slep, A. M.

Infant Abusive Head Trauma in a Military Cohort

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the rate of, and risk factors for, abusive head trauma (AHT) among infants born to military families and compare with civilian population rates.

Gumbs, G. R.
Keenan, H. T.
Sevick, C. J.
Conlin, A. M.
Lloyd, D. W.
Runyan, D. K.
Smith, T. C.
Ryan, M. A. K.

Infant Abusive Head Trauma in a Military Cohort

Administrative data were used to examine rates of, and risk factors for, abusive head trauma, a type of physical child abuse, among military families with infants 12 months old or younger. The rates of infant abusive head trauma are similar to civilian rates.

Gumbs, G. R.
Keenan, H. T.
Sevick, C. J.
Conlin, A. M.
Lloyd, D. W.
Runyan, D. K.
Smith, T. C.
Ryan, M. A. K.

Increasing Marital Satisfaction as a Resilience Factor Among Active Duty Members and Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)

Online survey data were used to examine how combat exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), medication for mental health issues, combat injuries, length of time stateside, participation in mental health services, and deployment length influenced Ope

Ponder, W. N.
Aguirre, R. T.
Smith-Osborne, A.
Granvold, D. K.