
FOCUS School-Based Skill-Building Groups: Training and Implementation

Military children encounter unique deployment-related stressors. The study examined the training and implementation of a school-based intervention, Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS) School-Based Skill-Building Groups (SBG).

Garcia, E.
De Pedro, K. T.
Astor, R. A.
Lester, P.
Benbenishty, R.

Family Dynamics and Young Children's Sibling Victimization

Sibling aggression is a common form of family violence, therefore it is important to examine its risk factors. Caregivers of 2-9 year old children were interviewed in this study about sibling aggression and family dynamics (i.e., interparental conflict, family violence, and parenting quality).

Tucker, C. J.
Finkelhor, D.
Turner, H.
Shattuck, A. M.