Breaking the Cycle of Maltreatment: The Role of Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships
Purpose: We examine two research questions. First, does a history of childmaltreatment victimization significantly increase the likelihood of maltreatment perpetration during adulthood?
Child Maltreatment Reporting Patterns and Predictors of Substantiation: Comparing Adolescents and Younger Children
Adolescents, and especially male adolescents, make up a disproportionately smaller portion of maltreatment reports compared to younger children.
Interrelations of Maternal Expressed Emotion, Maltreatment, and Separation/Divorce and Links to Family Conflict and Children's Externalizing Behavior
Research has documented that maternal expressed emotion-criticism (EE-Crit) from the FiveMinute Speech Sample (FMSS) predicts family conflict and children’s externalizing behavior in clinical and community samples.
Childhood Maltreatment Predicts Unfavorable Course of Illness and Treatment Outcome in Depression: A Meta-analysis
Objectives: Evidence suggests that childhood maltreatment may negatively affect not only the lifetime risk of depression but also clinically relevant measures of depression, such as course of illness and treatment outcome.
Neuropsychological Profile of Children, Adolescents and Adults Experiencing Maltreatment: A Meta-analysis
Objective: Few studies have attempted to describe the range of cognitive impairments affecting people who have experienced child maltreatment.
Parenting stress and Child Maltreatment: The Buffering Effect of Neighborhood Social Service Availability and Accessibility
The current study examines the relationship between aspects of social service availability and child maltreatment. Specifically, the study uses negative binomial regression to estimate whether service availability, accessibility, and receipt are associated with physical child abuse and neglect.
Differentiated Associations between Childhood Maltreatment Experiences and Social Understanding: A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review
The extreme parenting experiences encountered by children who are physically abused or neglected place them at increased risk for impaired socio-emotional development.