Teachers / Program Staff

Efficacy of Mindfulness-based Addiction Treatment (MBAT) for Smoking Cessation and Lapse Recovery: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Objective: To compare the efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Addiction Treatment (MBAT) to a Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) that matched MBAT on treatment contact time, and a Usual Care (UC) condition that comprised brief individual counseling.

Vidrine, J. I.
Spears, C. A.
Heppner, W. L.
Reitzel, L. R.
Marcus, M. T.
Cinciripini, P. M.
Walters, A. J.
Li, Y.
Nguyen, N.
Coa, Y.
Tindle, H. A.
Fine, M.
Safranek, L.V.
Wetter, D.W.