How Military Service Affects Student Veteran Success at Community Colleges (Doctoral Dissertation).
Increasingly more service members are separating from the military as the United States draws down the force and moves towards a post-war era.
Increasingly more service members are separating from the military as the United States draws down the force and moves towards a post-war era.
The deployment of US military personnel to recent conflicts has been a significant stressor for their families; yet, we know relatively little about the long-term family effects of these deployments.
Military children don't exist in a vacuum; rather, they are embedded in and deeply influenced by their families, neighborhoods, schools, the military itself, and many other interacting systems.
Since the advent of the all-volunteer force in the 1970s, marriage, parenthood, and family life have become commonplace in the U.S.
This study used structural equation modeling to examine a strengths-based, community practice model to explore the relationship between formal and informal communit
In this paper, we report on the development and dissemination of a preventive intervention, Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS), an eight-session family-centered intervention for families facing the i
Witnessed community violence has been linked to a number of internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescents.
Military families face a number of unique challenges, including frequent relocations and school transitions, as well as extended separations from loved ones.