The Relative Effectiveness of Active Listening in Initial Interactions
Although active listening is considered an important communication skill in a variety of occupational and therapeutic fields, few experiments compare dyadic partners' perceptions of active listening with other types of listening responses.
The Relative Effectiveness of Active Listening in Initial Interactions
Active listening is an important communication skill, which has implications in the quality of interactions among individuals.
Experiencing and Learning About Emotions: A Longitudinal Analysis of Youth Program Participants
Organized youth programs provide a context where adolescents experience strong emotions and may develop new ways of
thinking about and dealing with emotions. The current study examined youth’s reports of positive and negative emotions
Experiencing and Learning About Emotions: A Longitudinal Analysis of Youth Program Participants
Youth experience a range of emotions that have implications on learning outcomes and emotion socialization.
Emotion Regulation, Mental Health, and Social Wellbeing in a Young Adolescent Sample: A Concurrent and Longitudinal Investigation
Previous research has established that the ability to manage emotions effectively is critical to healthy
psychological and social development in adolescents. However, less research has considered the relationships
Emotion Regulation, Mental Health, and Social Wellbeing in a Young Adolescent Sample: A Concurrent and Longitudinal Investigation
Emotion regulation strategies have important implications for social and psychological well-being. This study investigated the role of two emotion regulation strategies, reappraisal and suppression, in the social adjustment of youth.