
Spouse Abuse Recidivism in the U.S. Army by Gender and Military Status

Recidivism by spouse abusers was investigated using records of offenders in the U.S. Army Central Registry. Recidivism by gender and military status (active-duty or civilian spouse) was compared over a 70-month period.

McCarroll, J. E.
Thayer, L. E.
Liu, X.
Newby, J. H.
Norwood, A. E.
Fullerton, C. S.
Ursano, R. J.

Spouse Abuse Recidivism in the U.S. Army by Gender and Military Status

It is important to understand what factors contribute to recurrent spouse abuse. By analyzing data from the U.S. Army Central Registry, the study examined elements that were associated with spouse abuse recidivism in military families.

McCarroll, J. E.
Thayer, L. E.
Liu, X.
Newby, J. H.
Norwood, A. E.
Fullerton, C. S.
Ursano, R. J.