Service Members

Intimate Partner Aggression Perpetrated and Sustained by Male Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam Veterans With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) consistently evidence higher rates of intimate partner aggression perpetration than veterans without PTSD, but most studies have examined rates of aggression among Vietnam veterans several years after their deployment.

Teten, A.
Schumacher, J.
Taft, C.
Stanley, M.
Kent, T.
Bailey, S.
Dunn, N.
White, D.

Influences of Job Search Self-Efficacy of Spouses of Enlisted Military Personnel

The influence of employment status, family characteristics, child care conflict, and employment assistance programs on job search self-efficacy was examined in spouses of enlisted military personnel. Annual income and financial situation positively influenced job search self-efficacy.

Trougakos, J. P.
Green, S. G.
Bull, R. A.
MacDermid, S. M.
Weiss, H. M.