Military Spouses
Military Deployment and the Spouse Left Behind
Recently, the impact of deployment, especially war-zone experiences on the well-being of military personnel and veterans, has received much attention.
Military Deployment and the Spouse Left Behind
The relationship with a spouse is an important part of Service members' operation readiness and influences recovery from injuries or post-traumatic stress symptoms upon return from deployment.
Exploring the Role of Social Connectedness Among Military Youth: Perceptions from Youth, Parents, and School Personnel
The increased stress on military families during wartime can be particularly difficult for adolescents.
Exploring the Role of Social Connectedness Among Military Youth: Perceptions from Youth, Parents, and School Personnel
Moving between states or countries provides military youth with a unique experience during an important developmental stage for social connection. This study examined the experiences of adolescents at multiple bases via focus groups of military adolescents, parents, and school personnel.
A Systematic Review of Mental Disorders and Perpetration of Domestic Violence Among Military Populations
PURPOSE: Military populations may experience more severe forms of domestic violence than the general population. Although mental disorders are associated with domestic violence perpetration among the general population, it is not clear whether this is the case for military populations.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Intimate Partner Violence, and Relationship Functioning: A Meta-Analytic Review
This meta-analysis was the first study of which we are aware to investigate the association between Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) PTSD symptom clusters and parent, child, family, and marital/partner fu