Early Childhood (under 5 years)

Effect of Parents' Deployment on Young Children

More than 125 years have passed since William T. Sherman first observed that “war is hell”; since that time, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the effect of war on the young children of soldiers.

Schonfeld, D. J.

Father-Absence Effects in Families of Different Sibling Compositions

The effects of father absence for varying lengths of time and varying growth periods are compared with the effects of father presence, as reflected in college entrance scores on the American College Entrance exam. Comparisons are made for only children in the 2 and 3-child families.

Sutton-Smith, B.
Rosenberg, B. G.
Landy, F.

Long-Term Effects of a Home-Visiting Intervention for Depressed Mothers and Their Infants

This study used a randomized controlled trial to examine the long-term effects of an early preventive intervention for mothers with postpartum depression and their infants, with regard to the quality of maternal interactive behavior, child attachment security, self-esteem, ego-resiliency, verbal

Kersten-Alvarez, L. E.
Hosman, C. M.
Riksen-Walraven, J. M.
Van Doesum, K. T.
Hoefnagels, C.