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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Intensive Mothering on the Homefront: An Analysis of Army Mothers.


Military-related civilian mothers have a lot in common with other civilian mothers but also face some unique challenges, such as their husbands' deployment. Nine Army-related civilian mothers and one Army wife were interviewed to understand their experience of parenting.

Publication year
Murray, K.

Intensive Mothering on the Homefront: An Analysis of Army Mothers.


This research includes interviews with 10 U.S. Army wives and mothers to examine mothering within the military context. Findings reveal what I label “military motherwork,” a mothering style similar to civilian mothering described in the marriage and family literature.

Publication year
Murray, K.

Longitudinal Changes in Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn Veterans With Hazardous Alcohol Use: The Role of Avoidance Coping


Military personnel who have experienced combat trauma are at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A greater recognition of the complex array of vulnerability factors that contribute to PTSD severity has led researchers to examine other non–combat-related factors.

Publication year
Lee, J. Possemato, K. Ouimette, P. C.

The Role of PTSD, Depression, and Alcohol Misuse Symptom Severity in Linking Deployment Stressor Exposure and Post-Military Work and Family Outcomes in Male and Female Veterans


This study examined the relationship among three deployment stressors (warfare exposure, sexual harassment and assault, and family stress during deployment), three mental health categories (posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, depression, and alcohol misuse), and six areas of functionin

Publication year
Smith, B. N. Taverna, E. C. Fox, A. B. Schnurr, P. P. Matteo, R. A. Vogt, D.

Evidence for the Propositions of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Among a Military Sample


Objective: Although the interpersonal theory of suicide may explain the elevated suicide risk among military service members, past explorations have been equivocal. This study aimed to investigate the propositions of the interpersonal theory in a sample of U.S. Army recruiters.

Publication year
Silva, C. Hagan, C. R. Rogers, M. L. Chiurliza, B. Podlogar, M. C. Hom, M. A. Tzoneva, M. Lim, I. C. Joiner, T. E.

A Comparison Study of Low Trauma Disclosure Participants and Their Partners in Army Couple


Intimate partner relationships provide unique conditions for examining how the interpersonal and/or systemic impact of trauma exposure and post-trauma responses can impact both the primary and secondary trauma survivors and the interpersonal dynamics of the couple.

Publication year
Summers, K. Campbell, A. M. Gray, H. Zetmeir, L. A. Nelson Goff, B. S.

Perspectives of Suicide Bereaved Individuals on Military Suicide Decedents' Life Stressors and Male Gender Role Stress


The objective of this study was to pilot the newly developed Male Gender Role Stressor Inventory (MGRSI) in military suicide bereaved (i.e., decedents’ family members and significant others) and to determine the association between Male Gender Role Stress (MGRS) and other life stressors observed

Publication year
Sterling, A. G. Bakalar, J. L. Perera, K. U. DeYoung, K. A. Harrington-LaMorie, J. Haigney, D. Ghahramanlou-Holloway, M.

The Impact of Military Service and Traumatic Brain Injury on the Substance Use Norms of Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers and Their Spouses


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and substance use are highly prevalent conditions among military populations. There is a significant body of evidence that suggests greater approval of substance use (i.e., norms) is related to increased substance use.

Publication year
Devonish, J. A., Homish, D. L., Vest, B. M., Daws, R. C., Hoopsick, R. A., & Homish, G. G.

Identity Adjustment Among Afghanistan and Iraq War Veterans With Reintegration Difficulty


Written data from a larger study were used to examine identity adjustment difficulties during reintegration among OIF/OEF/OND Veterans. Identity adjustment difficulties were examined based on gender and military component (i.e., Reserve or Guard, Active Duty).

Publication year
Orazem, R. J. Frazier, P. A. Schnurr, P. P. Oleson, H. E. Litz, B. T. Sayer, N. A.

Child Mental Health Symptoms Following Parental Deployment: The Impact of Parental Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Marital Distress, and General Aggression


Marital distress, aggression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are commonly linked in research. However, less often is the consideration of the impact on children, and specifically, their increased mental health symptoms.

Publication year
Foran, H. M. Eckford, R. D. Sinclair, R. R. Wright, K. M.

Thwarted Belongingness As an Explanatory Link Between Insomnia Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation: Findings From Three Samples of Military Service Members and Veterans


Background: Although insomnia has been identified as a robust predictor of suicidal ideation and behaviors, little is known about the mechanisms by which sleep disturbances confer risk for suicide.

Publication year
Horn, M. A. Chu, C. Schneider, M. E. Lim, I. C. Hirsch, J. K. Gutierrez, P. M. Joiner, T. E.