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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Effect of Short-Term Separation on the Behavioral Health of Military Wives


In the current prospective observational study, the impact of short-term separation on female spouses of male military officers who were scheduled to participate in a resident training program was evaluated.

Publication year
Oblea Jr., P. N. Badger, T. A. Hopkins-Chadwick, D. L.

A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Veterans' In-home Program for Military Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Families: Report on Impact for Family Members


Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) creates many challenges for families as well as for patients. Few intervention studies have considered both the needs of the person with TBI and his or her family and included both in the intervention process.

Publication year
Moriarty, H. Winter, L. Robinson, K. Piersol, C. V. Vause-Earland, T. Iacovone, D. B. Newhart, B. True, G. Fishman, D. Hodgson, N. Gitlin, L. N.

A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Veterans' In-home Program for Military Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Families: Report on Impact for Family Members


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) creates challenges for both patients and their family members, yet few intervention programs have taken the needs of the whole family into consideration. This study examined the effectiveness of the Veterans' In-home Program on family member's well-being.

Publication year
Moriarty, H. Winter, L. Robinson, K. Piersol, C. V. Vause-Earland, T. Iacovone, D. B. Newhart, B. True, G. Fishman, D. Hodgson, N. Gitlin, L. N.

Mindfulness-Based Sex Therapy Improves Genital-Subjective Arousal Concordance in Women With Sexual Desire/Arousal Difficulties


Thereisemergingevidence fortheefficacy ofmindfulness-basedinterventions for improving women’s sexual functioning.To date, this literature has been limited to self-reports of sexual response and distress.Sexual arousal concordance—the degree of agreement between self-reported sexual arousal and ps

Publication year
Brotto, L. A. Chivers, M. L. Millman, R. D. Albert, A.

Effect of Short-Term Separation on the Behavioral Health of Military Wives


Military spouses are separated from one another for a variety of reasons, including deployment and residential training. This study investigated the effect of short-term separations on military wives’ well-being as well as the ways in which other factors are associated with well-being.

Publication year
Oblea Jr., P. N. Badger, T. A. Hopkins-Chadwick, D. L.

Staying Well During Pregnancy and the Postpartum: A Pilot Randomized Trial of Mindfulness-based cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Depressive Relapse/Recurrence


Objective: Clinical decision-making regarding the prevention of depression is complex for pregnant women with histories of depression and their health care providers. Pregnant women with histories of depression report preference for nonpharmacological care, but few evidence-based options exist.

Publication year
Dimidjian, S. Goodman, S. H. Felder, J. N. Gallop, R. Brown, A. P. Beck, A.

A Qualitative Evaluation of Student Learning and Skills Use in a School-Based Mindfulness and Yoga Program


Previous studies on school-based mindfulness and yoga programs have focused primarily on quantitative measurement of program outcomes. This study used qualitative data to investigate program content and skills that students remembered and applied in their daily lives.

Publication year
Dariotis, J. K. Mirabal-Beltran, R. Cluxton-Keller, F. Gould, L. F. Greenberg, M. T. Mendelson, T.

What Defines Mindfulness-Based Programs? The Warp and the Weft


There has been an explosion of interest in mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.

Publication year
Crane, R. S. Brewer, J. Feldman, C. Kabat-Zinn, J. Santorelli, S. Williams, J. M. G. Kuyken, W.

Fact Sheet - Youth Workers' Professional Development: The Importance of Youth Development Certificate Programs

Research Report

Youth development has emerged as an important field within the study of human development in recent years. High-quality youth programs can foster positive development of children and adolescents and minimize the likelihood of youth developing problem behaviors.

Publication year
Richmond, A. Brown, S. Braughton, J. Otto, M. Roeske, R. Jaeger, E. Otto, A. Werner, E. Wilcox, S. Borden, L. M.

If You Build It, Will They Come? Patterns of Internet-Based and Face-to-Face Participation in a Parenting Program for Military Families


Background: Some evidence suggests parents are drawn to media-based interventions over face-to-face interventions, but little is known about the factors associated with parents’ use of Internet-based or Internet-enhanced programs, especially among military families.

Publication year
Doty, J. L. Rudi, J. H. Pinna, K. L. Hanson, S. K. Gewirtz, A. H.

Making Friends with Yourself: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study of a Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Adolescents


  The aims of this mixed-method pilot study were to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary psychosocial outcomes of “Making Friends with Yourself: A Mindful Self-compassion Program for Teens” (MFY), an adaptation of the adult Mindful Self-compassion program.

Publication year
Bluth, K. Gaylord, S. A. Campo, R. A. Mullarkey, M. C. Hobbs, L.