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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

A National Assessment of Children With Special Health Care Needs: Prevalence of Special Needs and Use of Health Care Services Among Children in the Military Health System


Objective. Children are frequently perceived to be healthy, low-risk individuals with a majority of clinical services devoted to health maintenance and preventive clinical services. However, a subset of children have unique needs that require specialized care to achieve optimal health outcomes.

Publication year
Williams, T. V. Schone, E. M. Archibald, N. D. Thompson, J. W.

Baby Boot Camp: Facilitating Maternal Role Adaptation Among Military Wives


Background: Current research suggests that women married to military service members may experience difficulty during the transition to motherhood attributable to the additional stressors of military life and inability to access traditional support systems. Objective: To test the effects of a nu

Publication year
Schachman, K. A. Lee, R. K. Lederman, R. P.

Combat Duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mental Health Problems, and Barriers to Care


U.S. combat infantry units who deployed to OIF/OEF (3 Army, 1 Marine Corps) completed an anonymous survey to assess the mental health of Service members and to determine use and barriers to accessing mental health services.

Publication year
Hoge, C. W. Castro, C. A. Messer, S. C. McGurk, D. Cotting, D. I. Koffman, R. L.

Postservice Mortality in Vietnam Veterans: 30-Year Follow-Up

Service records from 9,324 Vietnam and 8,989 non-Vietnam Veterans and several administrative databases were used to compare the post-service mortality of Vietnam to non-Vietnam Veterans through the year 2000.
Publication year
Boehmer, T.K.C. McGeehin, M.A. Boyle, C. Flanders, W.D. Barrett, D.H.

Behavioral Health Care of Isolated Military Personnel by Videoconference


The changing role of the military presents a unique challenge for military behavioral health organizations in dealing with the geographic isolation of personnel.

Publication year
Hill, J. V. Brown, M. C. Diebold, C. J. Borders, M. A. Staudenmeier, J. Detwiler, H. F. Francis, D. B.