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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Childhood Adversity, Adult Stress, and the Risk of Major Depression or Generalized Anxiety Disorder in US Soldiers: A Test of the Stress Sensitization Hypothesis


To better understand childhood factors that influence adult mental health, the relationship between childhood maltreatment, recent stressful experiences, and current depression and anxiety symptoms was examined in the study by having 30,436 new Soldiers complete self-administered questionnaires.

Publication year
Bandoli, G. Campbell-Sills, L. Kessler, R. C. Heeringa, S. G. Nock, M. K. Rosellini, A. J. Sampson, N. A. Schoenbaum, M. Ursano, R. J. Stein, M. B.

Patterns of Smoking and Unhealthy Alcohol Use Following Sexual Trauma Among U.S. Service Members


Sexual assault and sexual harassment may potentially lead to unhealthy cigarette and alcohol use. This longitudinal study had 48,287 Service members report on their experiences of sexual trauma, smoking, and alcohol use (both initiation and relapse).

Publication year
Seelig, A. D. Rivera, A. C. Powell, T. M. Williams, E. C. Peterson, A. V. Littman, A. J. Maynard, C. Street, A. E. Bricker, J. B. Boyko, E. J.

Deployment Status and Child Neglect Types in the U.S. Army


It is important to understand the associations between deployment and child neglect types in military families. This study examined 390 substantiated child neglect cases in four Army installations; the neglect type and the deployment status at the time of each neglect incident was investigated.

Publication year
Cozza, S. J. Whaley, G. L. Fisher, J. E. Zhou, J. Ortiz, C. D. McCarroll, J. E. Fullerton, C. S. Ursano, R. J.

The Impact of Military Service and Traumatic Brain Injury on the Substance Use Norms of Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers and Their Spouses


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and substance use are highly prevalent conditions among military populations. There is a significant body of evidence that suggests greater approval of substance use (i.e., norms) is related to increased substance use.

Publication year
Devonish, J. A., Homish, D. L., Vest, B. M., Daws, R. C., Hoopsick, R. A., & Homish, G. G.

Support for Efficacy and Mattering

Research Brief

A summary of the current research about efficacy and mattering within positive youth development programs, including a review of theoretical foundations and implications for youth program staff.

Publication year
The University of Minnesota Center for Research and Outreach

Intensive Mothering on the Homefront: An Analysis of Army Mothers.


This research includes interviews with 10 U.S. Army wives and mothers to examine mothering within the military context. Findings reveal what I label “military motherwork,” a mothering style similar to civilian mothering described in the marriage and family literature.

Publication year
Murray, K.

Optimism, Self-Differentiation, and Perceived Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: Predictors of Satisfaction in Female Military Partners


Female wives/partners of active-duty military personnel, reservists, and veterans (N = 235) who had experienced a combat deployment participated in a study on the contributions of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, dispositional optimism, and self-differentiation to romantic relations

Publication year
Cabrera-Sanchez, P. Friedlander, M. L.

Pre-Military Abuse, Mental Health, and Hazardous Alcohol use Among Military Personnel


The present study examined whether pre-military sexual and physical abuse and negative mental health symptoms prior to military service contributed to hazardous alcohol use (i.e., alcohol-related consequences, dependency symptoms, and consumption) controlling for combat exposure.

Publication year
Hollis, B. Kelley, M. L. Bravo, A. J.

Money Matters in Marriage: Financial Concerns, Warmth, and Hostility Among Military Couples


Couples with more financial concerns often have more marital problems; however, less is known about the money matters in military couples. This study surveyed 219 military couples regarding their financial management concerns, marital interactions (warmth and hostility), and marital quality.

Publication year
Ross, D. B. O'Neal, C. W. Arnold, A. L. Mancini, J. A.