Delinquent Behavior, the Transition to Adulthood, and the Likelihood of Military Enlistment


Using data taken from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth we examine the relationship between delinquency and enlistment in the military. We argue that delinquent behavior is positively related to enlistment because military service is an attractive alternative for delinquents to mark their transition to adulthood and their desistance from delinquent behavior. We also argue, however, that this relationship is not linear, with higher levels of delinquent behavior actually acting to reduce the likelihood of enlistment. We further suggest that the relationship between delinquency and enlistment is similar for men and women. We test and find support for our hypotheses using data taken from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

Teachman, J. Tedrow, L.(2014). Delinquent behavior, the transition to adulthood, and the likelihood of military enlistment. Social Science Research. 45: 46-55.