U.S. Military Women and Divorce: Separating the Issues


The divorce rate for women serving in the U.S. military is significantly higher compared to their male counterparts and the civilian population as a whole. Divorce negatively affects women, their work, and their families. Like many who struggle with balancing multiple roles in life, military women may possess unique characteristics, which coupled with challenges in the military environment, lead to a high divorce rate. This article examines current literature on potential contributory factors in female service members' high marital dissolution rate. Recommendations are made for research to help understand and reverse this growing trend through prevention, intervention, and support efforts.

Kanzler, K. E., McCorkindale, A. C., & Kanzler, L. J. (2011). US military women and divorce: separating the issues. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 23(3-4), 250-262.