Emotional Distress and Marital Adjustment of Caregivers: Contribution of Level of Impairment and Appraised Burden


215 male Israeli military Veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) seeking compensation for psychiatric conditions and their wives participated in a study. Researchers examined the contribution of the husband’s impairment and the wife’s sense of burden to the wife’s level of emotional distress and marital adjustment. Levels of emotional distress among these spouses were higher than those in the general United States population, and their level of distress related to perceived caregiver burden.

Dekel, R., Solomon, Z. & Bleich, A. (2005). Emotional distress and marital adjustment of caregivers: Contribution of level of impairment and appraised burden. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 18, 71-82. doi: 10.1080.10615800412336427.