The Resiliency Model of Role Performance for Service Members, Veterans, and their Families: A Focus on Social Connections and Individual Assets


The Road of Life, a life course metaphor, is used as the backdrop for a theoretically anchored model, The Resiliency Model of Role Performance, which has been developed to account for variation in the ability of service members and their families to meet their role responsibilities in the context of military life and duties. This model incorporates a focus on both individual assets and the social context in which individuals and families are embedded. The model provides a conceptual anchor for the Support and Resiliency Inventory—an online assessment tool for service members and the civilian spouses of service members. Implications for testing the model and its further development are discussed.

Bowen, G. L., & Martin, J. A. (2011). The resiliency model of role performance for service members, veterans, and their families: A focus on social connections and individual assets. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 21(2), 162-178.