Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Military-Connected Students


Today’s military families may face increased risks due to changing features of the military experience, which in turn may exacerbate the impact of military service deployment on the school-aged youth in these families. Yet, the research on military-connected students has been mixed, with some studies highlighting their struggles with the military lifestyle and others emphasizing characteristics of military-connected students that may serve as unique protective factors. In this chapter, we consider the mental health and support needs of military-connected students. We explore some of the challenges they and their families face as well as the special strengths which may be built upon when providing services to address their unique situation. We conclude with a summary of promising school-based programs and strategies that can support this population of young people and reduce their risk for behavioral and mental health problems.

Bradshaw, C. P., Figiel, K. E., & Deutsch, H. (2014). Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Military-Connected Students. In Handbook of School Mental Health (pp. 441-453). Springer US.