An Evaluation of an Orientation Plus Tutoring School-based Prevention Program


Some children who transfer into new schools are high-risk candidates for school and later-life difficulties. During transfers, children are faced with the tasks of gaining teacher and peer acceptance, learning school rules, and meeting new academic standards. Children who fail in these tasks are often of low socioeconomic status (SES), show academic lag, and are confronted with multiple life stressors. In this study, 20 schools were randomly assigned to (1) an intervention providing transfer children with an orientation program and tutoring or (2) a control condition. 54 children in grades 3, 4, and 5 who were assigned to the intervention showed significantly better achievement scores than the control group of 52 children. 


Jason, L. A., Betts, D., Johnson, J., Smith, S., Krueckeberg, S., & Cradock, M. (1989). An evaluation of an orientation plus tutoring school-based prevention program. Professional School Psychology, 4(4), 273-284. doi:10.1037/h0090591