A 1-year Follow-up of a Preventive Program for High-risk Transfer Children


Some children experiencing an unscheduled school transfer are at risk for academic and social difficulties. At-risk children enter the new school with academic lags and several life stressors, and are from lower socioeconomic status groups. The present study provides follow-up data on a group of high-risk transfer students who received tutoring in their schools or in both their schools and homes. The findings indicate that the most academic success occurred with the children who received the most intensive intervention, which involved home-plus-school tutoring.


Jason, L. A., Danner, K. E., Kurasaki, K. S., Halpert, J., Weine, A. M., Sohlberg, L. W., & Johnson, J. H. (1993). A 1-year follow-up of a preventive program for high-risk transfer children. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 1(4), 215-221. doi:10.1177/106342669300100403