Effects of School and Classroom characteristics on Pupil Progress in Language and Arithmetic


Within a random sample of 250 primary schools all 7th grade pupils were selected. These pupils were tested twice (grade 7 and grade 8) on their proficiency in Dutch language and arithmetic. Information on classroom practices and school organization was collected by means of questionnaires from grade 7 and grade 8 teachers and the school principal. The major aim of this study is to detect whether between school differences in progress scores on both subjects (adjusted for intake differences) exist and to what extent these between school differences can be explained by school related organizational factors. It is concluded that between school differences for progress in arithmetic and language do exist. They account for some 12 percent and 8 percent of the total variance in arithmetic and language respectively. Especially school contextual factors, school organizational factors and to a lesser extent classroom organizational factors can explain these between school differences in pupil progress.

Brandsma, H. P., & Knuver, J. W. M. (1989). Effects of school and classroom characteristics on pupil progress in language and arithmetic. International Journal of Educational Research, 13(7), 777-788.