Stigma and the Military: Evaluation of a PTSD Psychoeducational Program


Trauma risk management (TRiM) is an intensive posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) psychoeducational management strategy based on peer-group risk assessment developed by the UK Royal Navy (RN). TRiM seeks to modify attitudes about PTSD, stress, and help-seeking and trains military personnel to identify at-risk individuals and refer them for early intervention. This quasiexperimental study found that TRiM training significantly improved attitudes about PTSD, stress, and help-seeking from TRiM-trained personnel. There was a nonsignificant effect on attitudes to seeking help from normal military support networks and on general health. Within both the military and civilian populations, stigma is a serious issue preventing help-seeking and reducing quality of life. The results suggest that TRiM is a promising antistigma program within organizational settings.

Gould, M., Greenberg, N. & Hetherton, J. (2007), Stigma and the military: Evaluation of a PTSD psychoeducational program. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20: 505–515. doi: 10.1002/jts.20233