"Just Say It Like It Is!" Use of a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Develop a Technology-Driven Food Literacy Program for Adolescents


Helping adolescents improve their nutritional knowledge and behaviors and physical activity is an important part of improving their health. This study describes the process and results of utilizing community-based participatory research to adapt a nutrition and health intervention for teenagers to include components of technology. An advisory Kid Council provided feedback on the researchers' planned intervention adaptations, and a pilot study demonstrated how the adaptation was received by participants. Most components were well-received though limited participation may have reduced impact.

Wickham, C. A., Carbone, E. T. (2018). "Just Say It Like It Is!" Use of a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Develop a Technology-Driven Food Literacy Program for Adolescents. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 38, 83-97. doi:10.1177/0272684X17749572