Risk of Diabetes in US Military Service Members in Relation to Combat Deployment and Mental Health


Data from 44,754 Millennium Cohort Study participants were used to determine whether military deployment, combat exposures, and mental health conditions were related to the risk of newly reported diabetes over the three-year follow-up period. Those with self-reported diabetes diagnoses at follow-up were significantly older, had greater baseline body mass index (BMI), and were more likely to be Black. Results indicate that, in this military cohort, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms at baseline, but not other mental health symptoms or military deployment experience, were significantly associated with future risk of diabetes.

Boyko, E. J., Jacobson, I. G., Smith, B., Ryan, M. A., Hooper, T. I., Amoroso, P. J., Smith, T. C. (2010). Risk of Diabetes in US Military Service Members in Relation to Combat Deployment and Mental Health. Diabetes Care, 33, 1771-1777. doi:10.2337/dc10-0296