Mental and Physical Health Status and Alcohol and Drug Use Following Return from Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan


The authors of this study used a national sample of Veterans within one year of returning from deployment in Afghanistan (OEF) or Iraq (OIF) to examine: (1) mental health symptoms and problematic alcohol/drug use, and (2) differences in mental health and alcohol/ drug use problems by gender, Service component, Service branch, and deployment operation. Findings suggest significantly higher rates of mental health and substance abuse in OEF/OIF Veterans than in the general population.

Eisen, S., Schultz, M., Vogt, D., Glickman, M., Elwy, A., Drainoni, M., Osei-Bonsu, P. E., Martin, J. (2012). Mental and Physical Health Status and Alcohol and Drug Use Following Return from Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. American Journal Of Public Health, 102, S66-S73. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300609