Marriage Education in the Army: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial


Although earlier studies have demonstrated promising effects of relationship education for military couples, these studies have lacked random assignment. The current study evaluated the short-term effects of relationship education for Army couples in a randomized clinical trial at two sites (476 couples at Site 1 and 184 couples at Site 2). At both sites, participant satisfaction with the program was high. Intervention and control couples were compared on relative amounts of preintervention to postintervention change. At Site 1, not all variables showed the predicted intervention effects, although we found significant and positive intervention effects for communication skills, confidence that the marriage can survive over the long haul, positive bonding between the partners, and satisfaction with sacrificing for the marriage or the partner. However, at Site 2, we found significant and positive intervention effects for communication skills only. Possible site differences as moderators of intervention effects are discussed.

Allen, E. S., Stanley, S. M., Rhoades, G. K., Markman, H. J., Loew, B. A. (2011). Marriage Education in the Army: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 10, 309-326. doi:10.1080/15332691.2011.613309