Agreement between Veteran and Partner Reports of Intimate Partner Aggression


Intimate partner aggression (IPA) occurs in a significant number of couples. This study considered the reports of Veterans and their partners on their rates of IPA and examined possible factors that influenced the couples' report of IPA. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, relationship satisfaction, and relationship attributions (i.e., relationship events being explained as intentional vs. unintentional, personality traits vs. circumstances) all had an influence on the amount of IPA reported, and discrepancies between the Veteran and partner reports were significant.

LaMotte, A. D., Taft, C. T., Reardon, A. F., Miller, M. W. (2014). Agreement between Veteran and Partner Reports of Intimate Partner Aggression. Psychological Assessment, 26, 1369-1374. doi:10.1037/pas0000018