Strong Military Families Intervention Enhances Parenting Reflectivity and Representations in Families with Young Children


Military parents with young children may benefit from interventions that aim to improve their parenting practice. This study examined the effectiveness of the Strong Military Families intervention by assessing 78 caregivers' parenting reflectivity (i.e., a parent's ability to reflect on the child's thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and motivations) and parenting representations (i.e., a parent's perception of his/her child and their relationship) before and after the intervention. Results indicated that compared to the waiting-list comparison group, participants in the intervention group showed improved parenting practice.

Julian, M. M., Muzik, M., Kees, M., Valenstein, M., Rosenblum, K. L. (2018). Strong Military Families Intervention Enhances Parenting Reflectivity and Representations in Families with Young Children. Infant Mental Health Journal, 39, 106-118. doi:10.1002/imhj.21690