Predictors of Continuing Bonds Among Bereaved Adolescents


This study examined the relationship between continuing bonds (CBs) among 50 bereaved youth (ages 11–17) and their bereaved adult caregivers, and predictors of CBs among youth. Results indicated there was not a significant relationship between caregiver CB and youth CB. However, significant relationships were found between youth bereavement symptomatology, their relationship to the deceased, and youth CB. Specifically, youth with higher levels of symptomatology and those who lost an immediate family member were more likely to maintain CBs. Results suggest the need for practitioners to incorporate grief symptomatology and CBs in assessment and intervention with bereaved youth.

Sirrine, E. H., Salloum, A., Boothroyd, R. (2018). Predictors of Continuing Bonds Among Bereaved Adolescents. OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying, 76, 237–255. doi:10.1177/0030222817727632