Strong Military Families Program: A Multifamily Group Approach to Strengthening Family Resilience


Military families frequently display remarkable resilience in the face of significant challenges, and yet deployment and parental separation are significant stressors for parents, particularly those with infants and young children. The Strong Military Families preventive intervention is a multifamily parenting and self-care skills group that aims to strengthen protective factors and promote military family resilience. In this article the authors present the core pillars of the Strong Military Families program and how they contribute to the strengthening of protective factors that help parents cope with stressors and promote family resilience.

Rosenblum, K. L., Muzik, M., Waddell, R. M., Thompson, S., Rosenberg, L., Masini, G., & Smith, K. (2015). Strong Military Families program: A multifamily group approach to strengthening family resilience. Zero to Three, 36(2), 8–14.