Providing Care to Military Personnel and Their Families: How We Can All Contribute


Providing medical care to members of the military and their families remains a societal duty carried out not only by military physicians but also, and in large part, by civilian providers. As many military families are geographically dispersed, it is probable that all physicians at some point in their training or careers will care for this unique patient population. Understanding the military culture can help physicians provide the best care possible to our military families, and inclusion of military cultural competency curricula in all medical schools is a first step in advancing this understanding. The authors review the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that all health professionals should acquire to be able to care for those who serve and offer recommendations for developing these among all students and trainees.

Gleeson, T. D., & Hemmer, P. A. (2014). Providing Care to Military Personnel and Their Families: How We Can All Contribute. Academic Medicine, 89(9), 1201-1203.