An ongoing, innovative youth worker professional development is described in this article. This initiative began as youth worker professional development and then transcended to personal and organizational development. It grew from a moral response of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation staff and two faculty members of Youth Studies, University of Minnesota to offer higher‐quality services to youth for their healthy development. Its underlying philosophies and ethos included building and sustaining meaningful relationships, cocreating a space for learning and change, becoming a reflecting practitioner, and community organizing. This professional development responded to the participants' interests and needs or to local situations in that moment, that space, and the discussions, and took on different shapes at different times. There were many accomplishments of, challenges and barriers to, and lessons learned from this professional development.
From Youth Worker Professional Development to Organizational Change
Rana, S., Baumgardner, B., Germanic, O., Graff, R., Korum, K., Mueller, M., … Peterson, K. K. (2013). From youth worker profesional development to organizational change. New Directions for Youth Development, (139), 27–57.