Promoting Supportive Parenting in New Mothers with Substance-Use Problems: A Pilot Randomized Trial of Residential Treatment Plus an Attachment-Based Parenting Program


This pilot randomized trial tested the feasibility and efficacy of supplementing residential substance-abuse treatment for new motherswith a brief, yet rigorous, attachment-based parenting program. Twenty-one predominantly (86%) White mothers and their infants living togetherin residential substance-abuse treatment were randomly assigned to the program (n = 11) or control (n = 10) group. Program mothers received 10home-based sessions of Dozier’s Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) intervention. Postintervention observations revealed more supportiveparenting behaviors among the randomly assigned ABC mothers.

Berlin, L. J., Shanahan, M. & Appleyard Carmody, K. (2014). Promoting supportive parenting in new mothers with substance-use problems: A pilot randomized trial of residential treatment plus an attachment-based parenting program. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(1), 81–85. doi:10.1002/imhj.21427