Status of Forces Surveys of Active Duty Members (2013 & 2014 SOFS-A)


Executive Top-Line Results

• Retention in 2014 significantly lower* than Jan 2011/Jun 2012/2013 but higher than Jul2002/Jul 2003 to Aug 2008 • More stress in work life in 2014 significantly higher than 2013 but lower than 2003-2008 • Members with comfortable financial condition in 2014 higher than 1999-Feb 2012/2013 • Members currently working on financial goals (e.g., no credit card debt, saving for retirement) significantly higher in 2013 than 2006-2012 • Problems in personal relationships are occurring less often than 12 months ago – significant improvement in 2013 vs. 2005-2009 • Members reported significant improvements in 2013 in their concerns while away during their most recent deployment vs. 2009-2011 • Significant improvements in children’s emotional/behavioral changes in 2013 in response to deployment vs. 2006-2009 • Significant improvements in problems with PCS moves in 2013 vs. 2003-2007 although spouse problems remain consistent (spouse employment and loss/decrease of income) Bottom Line: Overall improvements in financial health and family life, including impact of deployments and PCS moves, compared to previous results, but retention lower and stress in work life higher in 2014 vs. 2013.

Defense Manpower Data Center, & Research Surveys and Statistics Center. (2016). Status of Forces Surveys of Active Duty Members (2013 & 2014 SOFS-A): Briefing on leading indicators, Military OneSource, financial health, family life, access to technology, impact of deployments, and permanent change of station (PCS) moves.