Awareness of cases of fatal child maltreatment has risen significantly in recent years suggesting the presence of a serious threat to young children despite extensive child welfare, clinical and legal responses to the issue. The purpose of this study was to identify differences between high risk child maltreatment and fatal risk cases and associated child protective service factors. For this study, 50 cases of fatal and near fatal child maltreatment were compared to a random sample of 50 moderate to severe maltreatment cases to determine predictors of group affiliation using a transactional model of child maltreatment to guide model development. Results indicate that recognition of having a male perpetrator, in cases of physical abuse, in families with approximately two children living in more rural environments notably improved the odds of predicting fatal risk cases. Prior referrals to Adult Protective Services, less out of home care and poor utilization of in-home services were also noted differences in the service records of the groups. Implications regarding early intervention and child protection measures that could be utilized to reduce risk are offered.
Lives at Risk: Uncovering Factors Associated with Fatal Child Maltreatment
Whitt-Woosley, A., Sprang, G., & Gustman, B. D. (2014). Lives at risk: Uncovering factors associated with fatal child maltreatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 47(P3), 307–313.