The Role of Intimate Relationships, Appraisals of Military Service, and Gender on the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms following Iraq Deployment


Active Duty Army soldiers participated in pre- and post-deployment screenings. Those who screened negatively for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at pre-deployment were included in the present analyses designed to examine risk and protective factors for post-deployment combat-related PTSD symptoms. Positive appraisals of military service related negatively to a positive screen for PTSD at post-deployment. Being in an intimate relationships slightly increased the odds of screening positive for PTSD after deployment.

Skopp, N. A., Reger, M. A., Reger, G. M. Mishkind, M. C., Raskind, M., Gahm, G. A. (2011). The Role of Intimate Relationships, Appraisals of Military Service, and Gender on the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms following Iraq Deployment. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24, 277-286. doi:10.1002/jts.20632