Internal and External Adaptation in Army Families: Lessons From Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm


Survey data were used to examine post-deployment coping on internal (e.g., communication, marital quality, child rearing) and external (families response to work-life interference and willingness to make accommodations for these demands) outcome of Army families reunited after a member's deployment for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm (ODS/S). In addition, this study examined whether and how family support services influenced families’ adaptation outcomes. Results indicated families’ experiences with support services and unit-level support influenced their ability to cope adaptively with deployment and post-deployment military demands.

Pittman, J. F., Kerpelman, J. L., McFadyen, J. M. (2004). Internal and External Adaptation in Army Families: Lessons From Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Family Relations, 53, 249-260. doi:10.1111/j.0197-6664.2004.0001.x