The Implications of Attachment Theory for Military Wives: Effects During Post-Deployment Period


Past research has indicated the negative and positive impacts of deployment on military wives. Furthermore, research has indicated the need to further understand the different deployment stages, specifically the postdeployment period. The authors examined Bowlby’s and Ainsworth’s attachment theories, specifically separation anxiety occurrence as experienced by stay-behind wives during their husbands’ post-deployment period. Purposive/ volunteer sampling was used to survey 57 military wives currently experiencing the post-deployment period. A linear regression analysis produced a significant positive relationship between duration of deployment and the wife’s psychological distress during the post-deployment period. As deployments increased in duration, specifically to longer than 6 months, the levels of psychological distress significantly increased. Implications for counselors and researchers are addressed.

Vincenzes, K. A., Haddock, L., Hickman, G. (2014). The Implications of Attachment Theory for Military Wives: Effects During Post-Deployment Period. The Professional Counselor, 4, 122-128. doi:10.15241/kav.4.2.122