The Impact of an Operation Purple Camp Intervention on Military Children and Adolescents' Self-Perception of Social Acceptance, Athletic Competence, and Global Self-Worth


In a pilot study we examined the effect of a one-week Operation Purple Camp intervention with children and adolescents (N = 48) in military families on their self-perception of social acceptance, athletic competence, and global self-worth. Adolescents’ showed significant improvement post-intervention in perceptions of social acceptance (p < .05) and athletic competence (p < .05) while children showed a significant improvement in perception of global self-worth (p < .05). These findings lend support for the effectiveness of this intervention for improving outcomes for children and adolescents in military families.

Chawla, N., Macdermid Wadsworth, S. (2012). The Impact of an Operation Purple Camp Intervention on Military Children and Adolescents' Self-Perception of Social Acceptance, Athletic Competence, and Global Self-Worth. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 267-278. doi:10.1080/01926187.2011.611782