The Impact of an Operation Purple Camp Intervention on Military Children and Adolescents' Self-Perception of Social Acceptance, Athletic Competence, and Global Self-Worth


Children and adolescents participated in a one-week Operation Purple Camp intervention (a summer camp intended to empower military families and their children to develop and maintain healthy relationships during the course of deployments) to test the effect of the camp on self-perceptions of social acceptance, athletic confidence, and global self-worth. Adolescents showed significant improvement after the camp in perceptions of social acceptance and athletic competence, and children showed improvement in perceptions of global self-worth.

Chawla, N., Macdermid Wadsworth, S. (2012). The Impact of an Operation Purple Camp Intervention on Military Children and Adolescents' Self-Perception of Social Acceptance, Athletic Competence, and Global Self-Worth. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 267-278. doi:10.1080/01926187.2011.611782