The Experience of Military Families With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders During Relocation and Separation


Military families with a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are underrepresented in the literature. In order to provide appropriate services, research must be done to determine the needs of these families. A qualitative methodology was used to interview military spouses with children with ASD about their experiences with therapeutic services. Overall, results indicate military families with a child with ASD experience challenges associated with both the military lifestyle and having a child with special needs. Due to their membership in two groups prone to support limitations and therapeutic service accessibility issues, military families with a child with ASD may be at additional risk for high levels of stress and difficulty obtaining and maintaining ASD related services.

Davis, J. M., Finke, E. H. (2015). The Experience of Military Families With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders During Relocation and Separation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 2019-2034.