Caring for military spouses in primary care

Purpose: To provide primary care providers with knowledge of unique challenges faced by military families. By understanding how military families cope with military lifestyle and deployment, providers can be more effective in their care of these patients and offer assistance in optimizing their health. Data sources: Research articles, World Wide Web search of resources for military families and Department of Defense documents. Conclusions: Military families are faced with many challenges and hardships such as frequent geographic relocations, social isolation, periodic deployments and separations, and risk of injury and death. Unique stressors associated with deployment include assumption of single parent role, altered finances, change in social support from family and friends, and concerns for the safety of the service member. Ineffective coping with stressors can manifest both physically and/or psychologically. Implications for practice: Healthcare providers should routinely inquire about a patient’s possible military affiliation. Military spouses need to be assessed for current stress levels and coping behaviors used in order to provide the most appropriate recommendations and referrals. As healthcare providers, understanding the unique demands of the military lifestyle is necessary to provide effective quality care with optimal health outcomes in this population.
Padden, D., & Posey, S. M. (2013). Caring for military spouses in primary care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 25(3), 141-146. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2012.00809.x